Sadly we are shutting down our Ashbourne meeting for the time being.. Massive thanks to Adel and Michelle and all our attendees. We have a meeting in SJOG on Friday nights and in the Blanchardstown Library on Saturday Lunchtime.

Hi all. This Wednesday the 20th November we are restarting the Wednesday meeting. I am very grateful to all involved to get us back to a full compliment of meetings. Thanks also to our attendees for your patience and apologies to you all for the upset caused.

New “Áit Linn” venue from Friday 25th October 2024

The Áit Linn meeting is in the move again. Our new venue is:

Conference Room
Artane Beaumont Family Recreation Centre
Kilmore Road
Dublin 5
D05 W603

Google Maps Link: ABFRC

The Conference Room is located on the second floor (access via lift).

The venue may have changed but the meetings continue as usual. No pre booking required.

The Board of Lifering Ireland and the panel of SJOG convenors have decided that a suspension of all our meetings is necessary in October while we reorganise and onboard new convenors. Meetings will resume on Monday 4th of November.

The Peter McVerry Trust is about to close Áit Linn, Ballymun.

We have found a new venue for Friday morning LifeRing Meetings.

Sadly the Peter McVerry Trust has decided to close down Áit Linn, Ballymun.

The last meeting of LifeRing at Longdale Road will take place this Friday, April 12th at 10am.

We would like to thank the staff at Áit Linn for their great cooperation over the years, years have rushed by so quickly. It seems only yesterday that Mara invited us in to hold meetings. We were only too happy to accept. Like everyone else we were greeted with a warm welcome, friendliness, kindness, professionalism and respect. We have nothing but admiration for the dedication of all the staff at Longdale Road and would like to thank them sincerely.

The decision to close came as a shock to us all and we hope somebody somewhere has plans to continue the good work with as little disruption as possible.

As for LifeRing meetings, Paul and the other amazing ‘LifeRingers’ at Áit Linn have already sourced a new venue for future meetings at:

Whitehall Colmcille GAA Club
Collins Avenue
D09 DX53

The time will be 10am every Friday as at present, starting on Friday 19th April.

No Ashbourne Meeting on Referendum night, Friday 8th March

As referendum voting will take place in the Ashbourne Community Centre the usual Friday night meeting will not take place on 8th March. Apologies for this. Meetings resume as normal on the 15th.

New Permanent Venue in Dublin City Centre

Because of safety considerations we have had to move from our long standing city centre venue at Dublin Central Mission.

Starting on Wednesday, 11th October ’23, our new venue is the Abbey Presbyterian Church, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1 D01 V2A0. Meetings will start at 7pm.

Abbey Presbyterian Church is on the corner of Parnell Square, beside Chapter One restaurant. On our first night there, Sarah will be outside ready to guide people to the meeting room. This will be our home for the foreseeable future.

We would like to thank all at Dublin Central Mission for their welcome and kindness over the years.

We are applying for charitable status

LifeRing Ireland Secular Recovery is a non-profit company limited by guarantee.

There is no charge to attend any of our meetings. While, at face to face meetings, a pencil case is passed around, giving attendees the opportunity to make a contribution, helping to defray meeting and other expenses, any contribution is entirely voluntary and the focus remains on recovery, not finances.

We are in the process of putting together an application to the Charities Regulator for registration under the Charities Act.

Legally, we feel it important to point out to the public that at present we are not a registered charitable organisation.

Meetings resume at Dublin Central Mission, Abbey Street

LifeRing meetings will restart at Dublin Central Mission in Abbey Street on Wednesdays at 7pm from Wednesday May 17th.


The Upper Room
Dublin Central Mission
Abbey Street Methodist Church
9c Abbey Street Lower
Dublin 1
D01 A3C4

Google Maps: DCM

Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

One could be forgiven for thinking that there was no alternative to traditional 12 step recovery paths such as AA because for years those alternatives, including LifeRing were rarely reported on. Thankfully that is changing.

Here is an interesting podcast on “Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams”, a US podcast that discusses what life in recovery can be like. Here, Michael from LifeRing UK talks about how there are, in fact, many alternatives to faith based 12 step programmes, about the role LifeRing can play and he describes how LifeRing worked and still works for him.

Michael lived in Ireland for some years, and when work and family connections brought him back to the UK, he decided to bring the LifeRing service with him, forming LifeRing UK with three online meetings per week and a face to face meeting in Edinburgh every Saturday. Michael is also a member of the LifeRing US  board and we are very proud of our association with him.

Here’s the link. Its about 20 minutes. Enjoy.