Unfortunately, in response to the coronavirus outbreak, St John of God Hospital have found it necessary of suspend public meetings at the Hospital for now.
This means that until circumstances change the Monday, Wednesday and Friday night LifeRing meetings will not take place.
When we have had time to consider this news we will revert with any possible alternatives, including online meetings.
A LifeRing meeting takes place every Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Nationwide Building, Austin Friar Street in Mullingar.
Many people have found it difficult to locate the meeting, perhaps because there is no ‘Nationwide’ sign on the building. We hope the following makes things a bit clearer.
Austin Friar Street is a continuation of the Dublin Road. The nearest identifiable landmark is the statue of the two sitting Augustinian monks. Buildings close by are Supervalu and the AnneBrook House Hotel.

Here’s a map of the area.
The red bubble marks the spot.
If you are having difficulties call us freephone on 1800 938 768.
Here are details of arrangements for the Christmas period by meeting venue.
St John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co Dublin
All meetings will go ahead as usual including the Christmas Day Wednesday meeting at 7:30pm and the New Year’s Day meeting on the following Wednesday.
St Patrick’s Hospital, James’s Street, Dublin 8
Thursday night meetings will take place as usual.
Blanchardstown Library
Saturday 1pm meetings will take place as usual in the Library, 2nd Floor, Room 1.
Inter Faith Centre, Dublin City University, Dublin 9
There will be no meeting on Friday 27th December due to premises refurbishment. Meetings will resume on Friday 3rd January.
Inniscarraig Centre, western Road, Cork
There will be no meeting on Thursday 26th December. Meetings will resume on 2dn January.
Nationwide Building, Austin Friar Street, Mullingar
There will be no meeting on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Meetings will resume on Wednesday 8th January.
Agape Centre, 236-266 Lisburn Road, Belfast BT9 6GF
There will be no meeting on 24th and 31st December (Tuesdays). Meetings will resume on 7th January.
To attend a LifeRing meeting, all you need to do is to turn up!
Posted on: June 14, 2017 at 5:54 am, inLifeRing is a self-help group for people managing their addictions whatever they may be, including alcohol and illegal or prescription drugs. LifeRing was started in California ten years ago by a group of recovering addicts including Martin Nicolaus, author of ‘Empowering your Sober Self’ and the addiction recovery workbook ‘Recovery by Choice’.
LifeRing meetings were first established in Ireland in Dublin in 2009. There are currently meetings in Dublin, Dingle, Sligo, Mullingar, Navan and Tralee.